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Patchfinders Reopening!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are well and looking forward to a bit more normality!!

I am pleased to tell everyone that we are cautiously reopening the

shop, finally!

We will reopen on Friday 10 th July at 9.30am until 4.30pm,

we will also be open on Saturday 11 th July 9.30am – 4.30pm.

After that we will be open for 3 days a week,

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm, each week, for

July and August.

We will reassess the situation at the end of August and see if it is

feasible to reopen for more regular hours.

For your safety we will be allowing only 3 customers in the shop at

any one time.

When you are in the shop we would be grateful if you could:

1) Wear a facemask

2) Use hand sanitiser (there will be some available in the shop)

3) Keep 1 meter apart from other customers and staff in line with

Social Distancing guidelines.

4) Pay by Card (we will not be accepting Cash)

For the foreseeable future we will not be holding any workshops,

and there will be no private group meetings. As soon as it is

possible to restart these activities we will be in contact.

Best Wishes

From all at Patchfinders


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